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Žena, 28 let, Znojmo
My name is Zanale, I'm 25 and I'm here for real love, I speak english. The city where I live is full of drunkards and bad people. my friend uses the internet to meet others around the world and during my years i'm still single and have trouble with it. I want to find happiness, now really in love with a man. Sport is my choice, cycling and hiking in the woods. this is just a brief overview of me, please write to me. Thanks in advance for replying to me, your new girlfriend,

Žena, 32 let, Znojmo
Jsem normalni pohodová holka, která si na nic nehraje :) To vám musí stačit ne :D

Žena, 37 let, Znojmo
Ahojky, hledám ženu se kterou bych nejdřív zašla na vínko, pak by se vidělo, co z toho vznikne..