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Muž, 56 let, Olomouc
Jsem celkem obyčejný muž, doma vařím a dělám sochy z přírodního kamene na zakázku, jen jedno mi ale doma chybí.

Seznámit se

Muž, 60 let, Praha

Seznámit se

Muž, 52 let, Plzeň
Born in the UK (Czech mother, British father) has lived and worked in the Czech Republic for over 25 years. Looking for someone who knows what they want and simply needs someone in their life. Žiji v České republice přes 20 let, mluvím plynně česky, jen s britským přízvukem.

Seznámit se

Muž, 57 let, Sokolov
Hledám spřízněnou duši pro život v rodinném domě na okraji vesnice a se zvířátky, velkou zahradou a klidem.

Seznámit se

Muž, 47 let, Náchod
Ahoj, mám práci, auto, kde bydlet, jsem z úplné rodiny a hledám dívku, co se mnou vyrazí na kafe, nebo na zmrzku i do přírody. Už se na Tebe těším.

Seznámit se

Muž, 45 let, Praha
I am here to meet my true Love, my best friend, life partner to create a strong and loving family with kids together! You are romantic soul with depth, caring, understanding, protective, intelligent, well mannered, balanced, drama and jealousy free, family oriented, soft-spoken, sweet person! You should enjoy traveling and adventurous to see the world and try new things together! make our life brighter with amazing memories! If you love the ocean, beach and warm climate, that's really great start! : ) And if you love to cook that is a huge bonus! ) I value my time a lot and willing to invest my time and attention to the one who are serious and sincerely wants to meet her KING and true love! ! Not here to communicate for months! ! Life is short to spend it on the internet! So, please be ready for real steps! I love actions, they tell a lot more than 1000 of letters. If you feel some resonation after viewing my profile I hope you are inspired not just express an interest but to text me and express yourself with something more meaningfull than "Hi. how are you" thank you : ) ONLY SERIOUS PLEASE! ! ! NO PHOTO, NO REPLY! ! ! Down to earth. Easy going. Love nature sports . . . God and family are very important. Traditional values. Looking for a serious relationship that leads to marriage. Not interested in trading, ponzi schema, sex, nudity . . . .

Seznámit se

Muž, 45 let, Praha

Seznámit se